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2 min read

What the Heck is an ERP Software Implementation?


Most of the software that you use today has probably been purchased online, with almost no human interaction.

 The process typically goes like this: You visit a website, create a username and password, enter your credit card information and then login to start using the software.

This type of software is typically pretty good at managing a specific function in your business, like an accounting software such as QuickBooks or managing your inventory with Excel Spreadsheets.

But as you grow and as the needs of your business change, the limited capabilities and the lack of integration between these types of software begins to prevent you from growing to the next level.


That’s probably why you’re here.


To scale your business, your technology needs to be centralized and connected across all departments. This includes accounting, sales, customer service, inventory, and production.

But every small company is different. So, the implementation of an ERP software, like SAP Business One, is when a team of consultants take a powerful software and personalize it for your exact business needs.

It’s not about your company molding itself to fit the software, its about molding the software to fit you.

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If you're trying to understand the factors that influence the cost of an SAP Business One implementation for your small business, check out this post.

Want to calculate your SAP Business One implementation and subscription price? We've developed this pricing calculator so that you'd be able to calculate your implementation and cloud platform subscription pricing without having to contact a salesperson, or even enter an email address! Calculate your price here.

The Stellar One Team

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